Surface and Materials characterization equipment at the CPC

  • Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES). An ultra-high vacuum system equipped with X-ray and UV sources (from PRECAV) as energy excitation sources and an Omicron EA 125 hemispherical electron energy analyzer with a resolution of 20 meV. The system is also equipped with an ion sputter gun for depth profiling or contaminant removal  XPS
  •  Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscope (STM and AFM). An ultra-high vacuum chamber equipped with a prep chamber containing molecular evaporators, metal evaporators, ion sputter gun, LEED, and a sample manipulation stage with heating and cooling from 100K up to 1500K  Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscope (STM and AFM)
  • Benchtop Powder X-Ray diffraction (XRD) System. The system allows for qualitative and quantitative phase analysis for polycrystalline materials Rigaku2
  • White-light MOKE Microscope MOKE
  • J.A. Woollam Variable Wavelength/Angle Ellipsometer (300-1700 nm) Ellipsometer
  • Custom Solar Simulator and Photovoltaic Device Characterization System. The photovoltaic characterization system is equipped with a Xe arc lamp and reflection concentrator along with micro-positioning probes and multiple source meters for characterizing solar-cell materials and/or device performance
  • Vibrating Sample Magnetometer Magnometer
  • Transient Absorption Spectroscopy TAS
  • Atomic Force Microscopy.  EasyScan 2 atomic force microscope for substrate and sample terracing characterization. 220pm resolution, 100 um maximum scan area.AFM
  • Electrical transport: Liquid nitrogen cryostat with a base temperature of 77 K with electrical feedthroughs with Keithley 2182A nanovoltmeter and 6220 nanoamp source for transport measurementsElectrical Transport
  • UV Vis Spectroscopy UV Vis
  • Nano ZetaSizer (ZS) for measuring the size particle of dispersed systems from sub-nanometer to several micrometers in diameter NanoZetaSizer
  • Fluorescence Microscopes Fluorescence Microscope Inverted Fluorescence DIC Microscope
  • Micro-Optical Spectroscopy Station
  • Hall effect Test Station
  • Electro-Optic Test Station
  • Electrical Transport Characterization
  • Atomic Force Microscopy